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Chairman - Dr. D. C. Thapliyal
Our nation has witnessed many systems of education during the past centuries. In ancient times, education hubs were mainly administered by independent scholars though funded by their kingdom. Takshashila, Nalanda, Vikramshila, etc. are a few examples of the world-famous institutions of ancient India. Due to the autonomous nature of educational institutions at that time, six schools of philosophy (Shad Darshan), quite different from each other, developed in the Indian subcontinent.
Before independence, the need for education was just to fulfill the operational and administrative requirements of the foreign rulers.

They were hardly interested to develop technical, scientific, economic or political awareness through education, which could suit the geographical, environmental, social and cultural traditions of this ancient and glorious civilization. Now even after independence, what is the condition of our basic education system? Does education imply clearing competitive exams such as JEE, CAT and NEET and ultimately getting heavy salaried jobs? Should the aim of education only be financial stability?
The practical aspect of education should not be only ‘job-seeking’. Education should also mean to create opportunities for others, to gift something useful to society, something new to mankind.
What about morals? Where are the attempts to prepare students to meet the future challenges, indigenous technology, creativity, social engineering, crisis management, systematic exploitation of natural resources and humanitarian view in management, scientific approach towards religious and cultural aspects? How to be a good human being, what should be our role as a citizen of this country? To what extent should we pursue money? Why should we wish to acquire all the wealth of society though we know that each one of us needs it? Have we produced any Nobel Laureates in Science after Sir C. V. Raman in India? The answer is a big NO. One of the reasons to this is that our educational priorities have changed. Education has become a job oriented once again. It has lost the capability of developing a thought process within the student. This is one of the major reasons we don’t find sufficient entrepreneurs for “Start-Up India”.
Doon Laurels Academy- a tiny attempt in this direction, aims to provide such a holistic system of education, that students develop as a complete, holistic personality. They should be more fruitful to their family, society, and nation. We are aware of our role in society and therefore we are committed to providing multi-dimensional and a practical education system to our students without harming their self-esteem, without schooling any specific thought in to their subconscious, and at last nurturing them as an independent entity rather than cast them as clones or program them as robots. We need more humans today in society to keep it strong and kind.
Dr. D.C. Thapliyal
Doon Laurels Academy
Vice Chairman - Mr. Vikalp Thapliyal
Greetings to the entire Doon Laurels Family!
I would like to appreciate and thank all of you associated with Doon Laurels for your efforts and dedication towards the school making it one of the best place for a student to nurture, grow and mould into a responsible and aware member of our society. At Doon Laurels we untiringly strive to provide a holistic and encouraging environment to the students where they can express themselves freely and confidently.
I wish the Principal, students, staff and everyone associated with Doon Laurels a bright and successful future ahead.

Academic Director - Mr. K.R. Bhatt
An educator and teacher with a passion for enhancement of academic and all-round development of the child. Being the academic director, my responsibility is to raise the level of the child subject wise and also lay considerable stress on personality development along with co- curricular activities, to meet the present and future demands of the child both academically and in terms of development of their personality. As a teacher, friend, philosopher and guide, we all collectivity try to identify the innate & inborn qualities of the child.
Our school has well trained experienced faculty, well equipped labs, playground and all other necessary facilities. Teachers are allowed to attend various offline and online training programs conducted by C.B.S.E. and other organizations, to benefit the child.
We have class – rooms with ample space and facilities equipped with smart-class. Special attention is given to below average children. Safety of the children is our priority.
Having a wide range and vast experience of teaching of about 36 years in C.B.S.E. schools, I utilize this experience in motivating the children academically and also in inculcating moral and social values among the students.

M.Sc., M.Ed.
Academic Director
P.G.T. Chemistry
Doon Laurels Academy.
Principal - Dr. (Mrs.) Seema Gupta
To reach and claim the heights has always been a driving force behind all my endeavours. A self-motivated, focused and disciplined administrator with a vast experience of 28 years in the field of education, I have always been fascinated by challenges. I am very confident, optimistic and hard-working person who never compromises with quality.
As the Principal of Doon Laurels Academy, I feel honored and concerned with the future of our children. It is my utmost duty to take the school to a greater height. With my confident team of teachers and constant support of the Management we strive hard for the overall development of our children.
I have remained associated with education for the past 28 years and my passion for teaching is something that cannot be described in words. I am determined to give the best result that will promote the growth of the school.
The school focusses on Academic Excellence and cultivates good habits, conduct and moral values and also strives to create good human beings and responsible citizens.
Teaching and learning are the core activities of any educational institution, we are here to focus on developing a high level of learning culture.
As the principal of Doon Laurels Academy my top most priority is to focus on proper school curriculum planning, staff management and conflict resolution and to introduce more interesting teaching pedagogies and to ensure quality teaching. With this aim in mind we are working together for a shining bright future and prospects of our students.

Dr. Seema Gupta
M.A, B.Ed., Ph.D.
Doon Laurels Academy.
`Along with this the students are guided for ethos of moral values as to create good human beings and responsible citizens for our nation. We provide an appealing, stimulating and well planned curriculum as per the guidelines of respected Central Board of Secondary Education.
I am also thankful to our caring and co-operative parents for their valuable trust in our school, as this is the best gift they have given to their ward.
To conclude, I would like to state that ‘Education is an imperative bequest which dispels the darkness and illuminates the young mind for better discernment ’.
Looking forward optimistically for better future of our students.
Vice Principal - Mrs. Anju Kuriyal
We are immensely proud of our school, its tradition and future directions. DLA aims to provide a safe, secure and happy environment where young children develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. I am very happy with the progress that the school has made in such a short span. And I am positive that in times to come we will continue this journey with great enthusiasm and provide holistic learning to the young generation of learners.
I truly luxuriate to serve here and consider it a privilege to be the Principal of DLA. We will continue to work as a team of students, teachers and parents, as we encourage our students to believe in themselves Quality Education begins with quality teaching along with listening, expressing and reading.

If these habits are inculcated in them at the primary level, then a whole new world opens up for our little munchkins. In today’s digital world it is a challenge that WE SHALL OVERCOME! I hope that our website will assist you in exploring more about DLA. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your valuable suggestions are propitious.